P: 0800 357 787

Continuity Promotions

“It takes 12-14 times of repeating an action for it to become a habit”

We can help you bring in new customers and promote brand loyalty in existing customers by providing a promotion that is not only cost neutral/zero but is a proven to work, and has been used around the world for over 35 years to great effect. 

A continuity promotion is usually run over a 12-14 week period where for an agreed spend made by a consumer results in a desirable collectable is either purchased for a nominal amount or given free. The collectable piece is usually a part of a set that at the end of the promotion period completes the set. eg. SMEG Knife set

This concept has been seen in NZ with the likes of service station chains doing crystal glasses, knife promotions with a grocery chain, pots & pans etc.

We have adapted the concept for B2B with some innovative desirable products that your business customers will want.

Grow your business while rewarding your customers.

Let's work together